Simple DIY Carpet Spray Cleaner

Cleaning the carpet is always a task that requires special attention. Using store-bought products is a big risk because many of them contain harmful chemicals. With this carpet spray, you will remove all the stains plus stay faithful to the eco-friendly initiative that is safe for everyone in the house.


  • 2 tablespoons table salt
  • 1 cup distilled vinegar
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 15 drops essential oils

*You can add any essential oil of your choice, it doesn’t have to be a certain type.


For this carpet spray, you will need a large spray bottle.

  1. Fill the spray bottle with the water and vinegar.
  2. Then include salt and essential oils.
  3. Close the bottle and start shaking it. That way you’ll mix all the ingredients together.

You are ready to use your spray! To use it, spray it on the carpet and wait for it to dry. Make sure to shake the bottle each time before you use it. When the carpet is dry you can continue cleaning it the way you usually do.