Quick Beauty Tutorial for Busy Moms

Mother and Daughter
Photo by Sai De Silva on Unsplash

Not long ago, we celebrate Mother’s day. We appreciated mothers all over for caring for us, even though they often get swamped. While motherhood can be hectic and tiresome, it’s never a good ideas to skip your beauty routine. That’s why we compiled to ultimate beauty guide for busy moms.

De-Puff Your Face with an Ice Pack in the Morning

After less or too much sleep, skin icing dilutes the skin’s underlying vessels to create an instant de-puffing effect. Avoid rubbing the ice cube directly on your skin to avoid breaking some capillaries; instead, wrap the ice use in a cloth and rub gently.

Use a Concealer as Your Base

The trick is investing in a good concealer. With a minimal amount, you can create a more polished base without foundation in the following areas:

  1. Beneath your eyes
  2. Bridge of the nose
  3. Cupid’s bow area
  4. Chin
  5. Spots to conceal darker spots

Tightline Your Eyes

As we age, our eyelids tend to shed eyelashes. Drawing a tight line at the roots of your lashes gives you a fuller lash and forges bigger eyes effect with products such as the Urban Decay 24/7 instead of a pencil eyeliner.

Lipstick for Monochromatic Effect

Lipsticks aren’t just for lips. Use it on your eyelids and cheeks for a head-turning facelift. A small amount on your cheek and swipe it out on your eyelids. Blend it using your fingers. Voila!

Liptint and Gloss is a Plus

You do not have the time for matte lipsticks et al. Why not carry around a lip tint and a gloss since you can use them on the cheeks and lips? It wears like a dream by staining your skin.

Maintain Your Facial Frame by Shaping Your Brows

Managing the proper facial frame and shaping your brows wraps it up for our beauty tutorial for busy moms. Tame your brows, ensure they’re clean and full to keep your face neat and bright.