No matter what your personal style may be, you’d be hard-pressed to find a vacation more undeniably romantic than a week spent getting cozy in a cabin while being serenaded by the sounds of nature. After all, you don’t have to dish out thousands of dollars for a relaxing retreat with your sweetheart. There are cabin rentals in dreamy locations just waiting to be explored!
Read on to learn which secluded spots frequent travelers recommend.
Jenner, California
When you think of cabin retreats, there are certain things that automatically come to mind; cold weather, mountainous terrain, and oftentimes, extremely rural isolation.
If these descriptors don’t flip your switch, fear not — you are the type of traveler that Jenner, California was practically made for. With beach access, sunny weather, and a not-too-far drive to San Francisco, this destination puts a modern twist on the classic cabin getaway.
Saugatuk, Michigan
Smack dab on the shore of Lake Michigan sits stunning cabins like this one — if you could even call them that.
These expansive, luxurious, brightly-lit homes put the quaint wooden abodes of olden times to shame. If the nearby beach and stylish local art galleries aren’t enough to draw you out into the chilly weather, the cozy fireplaces and handcrafted woodwork will make staying bundled up inside a breeze.
Manitou Springs, Colorado
This location is special for a vast number of reasons, only one of which being the abundance of gorgeous cabin rentals available at virtually any time of the year.
For hundreds of years, people have flocked to Manitou from far and wide seeking a resource unique to the town; naturally carbonated spring water! Anasazi people (whose fascinating homes remain preserved and accessible in the area to this day) once believed that it held healing properties.
What better way to relax and get your geek on than with some good ol’ ancient wisdom?