Kiehl’s Calendula Line is a Winner

Skincare isn’t as easy as slathering face wash and patting your face dry. For some people, it can be a lifestyle that takes careful planning and plenty of dedication.

Kiehl’s is dedicated to giving people the best of the best. They focus on natural ingredients to penetrate your skin’s inner layer to give you glowing skin from the inside. They make sure your skin is well hydrated and taken care of so you won’t have to wear make-up. Their calendula line is worth trying for sensitive and dry skin. Here are a few reasons to visit your nearest beauty store that sells Kiehl’s.

It Has Antiseptic Properties

One of the great benefits of calendula is that it has antiseptic properties that can help clear up wounds and bumps. It’s also loaded with collagen to help dry skin. If you’re looking for a winter skincare staple – then their calendula is a must-try.

It’s Alchohol Free

Their alcohol-free calendula toner is perfect for dry and sensitive skin. Since alcohol can strip the skin’s natural moisture – it’s best to avoid alcohol and stick to alcohol-free toners for smooth skin.

Hydrating and Bouncy Skin

Kiehl’s products feel light to the touch and they want to recreate the feeling of feeling like you aren’t wearing heavy products. They’ve put some serious thought into their products and it shows through their line that cares passionately about good skin.