How to Keep Your Hair Clean and Voluminous Longer

Photo by Adrian Sava on Unsplash

Having beautiful hair is the best-kept secret of gorgeous women. We all want voluminous hair that lasts for days at a time, but it often loses its volume and starts getting dirty after only a day. How do you get your hair to be clean longer and do its magic without too much effort? Find out below.

Apply Shampoo the Right Way

You definitely shouldn’t wash your hair too often, but when you do, do it right. Apply the shampoo in a circular motion starting from the roots and going towards the ends. The water shouldn’t be too warm, and the last rinse should be done with the coolest temperature you can handle.

Use Sage Infused Water for Rinsing

Boil water and add a few tablespoons of sage to it, then strain and use for rinsing the hair (prepare in advance so it has time to cool).

Apply Dry Shampoo Before Working Out

You know how your hair is completely greasy after a workout? Applying the dry shampoo then won’t help a lot, so do it before you exercise. This trick will make your hair look decent if you have to be somewhere after working out but you don’t have time to wash your hair.

Take Care of Scalp

You can’t just apply the same conditioners and masks you use on your ends to the scalp; it will quickly become greasy and gross. Instead, opt for natural moisturizers based on aloe vera and coconut oil. Leave them on your scalp as long as you can before washing your hair.