Japanese Artist Crafts Incredibly Realistic Food Embroidery

The majority of viral embroidery artists are focusing on nature and popular culture, but Ipnot found inspiration in a different place. The Japanese artist is mostly creating 3D embroidery designs inspired by food and some of them are so realistic you’ll have to look twice.

The self-taught artist works with a collection of 500 different colors of yarn and uses the technique known as the French knot to make her creations incredibly realistic.


“I was drawn to embroidery because my grandmother used to do embroidery and made it look very relaxing and enjoyable. So I tried it and I enjoyed it myself… As in the art of stipple painting, I use my needle like a paintbrush and I stitch one knot at a time,” explains Ipnot on her official website.

She often takes photos of her embroidery next to real fruits and veggies they’re inspired by, forcing us to tell the difference between art and reality. Some of her viral 3D works even recreate the movements of real food, including the pizza with melting cheese and the floating kettle pouring coffee.
