How to Visit Expensive Travel Destinations Without Spending a Fortune

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Exploring the world doesn’t come cheap, especially if you have a bunch of popular touristy destinations on your bucket list. They usually come with a high price tag, but there are tips and tricks you can use to visit these expensive destinations without spending a fortune.

Be Flexible

Be flexible with your dates when traveling to touristy places, and try to go there off-season when everything tends to be cheaper, from accommodation to plane tickets.

Cheaper Accommodation

Accommodation is usually the be the biggest expense of each trip, but you’ll barely spend any time there. Ditch expensive hotels for hostels and Airbnb or consider using Couchsurfing to find a local host.

Ask Locals for Tips

Speaking of the locals, their tips can help you find cheaper places to visit, from restaurants to galleries. In addition to being more affordable, these places will likely have a more authentic feel and be less touristy.

Budget for Tickets

From museums to amusement parks, popular tourist attractions often have high entrance fees. It’s a good idea to set a budget for these tickets, and only go to places that really interest you.

Planning is Key

Spontaneous trips have their perks, but they can cost you more than you’ve bargained for. That’s why it’s a good idea to do some planning in advance and know precisely how much time you need to explore everything you want to see.