How to Stop Stress Eating Once and For All

While social distancing, you may have noticed that you’ve been gaining weight. You should know that this is perfectly normal, as our way of life has totally changed during the coronavirus. Perhaps you’ve been a bit lax with your eating choices or stress eating. If you want to make healthier choices and stop stress eating, here’s how to do it.

1. Identify Stress Eating Triggers

The easiest way to stop stress eating is to start tracking your eating behaviors with a food journal. This will help you identify when you reach for junk food or overeat and the difference between physical and emotional hunger.

2. Ask “Am I Hungry?”

Once you’ve identified that you’re hungry, you need to figure out if you’re emotionally or physically hungry. Usually, when you’re emotionally hungry, you’ll reach for junk food and you’ll eat until you feel stuffed. Physical hunger comes on more gradually and you’ll want to eat foods that are nutritious.

3. Practice Self Management

Pretty soon you’ll see that when you’re stressed, you’re making unhealthy food choices. The next step is to identify why you’re feeling stressed and to find stress management techniques to deal with it. These vary from person to person but can include yoga, meditation, exercise, cooking, or listening to music.

4. Eat Mindfully

We’re sure you’ve heard the term mindful eating and it’s all about becoming aware of the foods and drinks you’re putting into your body. With mindful eating you savor each bite, eat without distractions, and choose healthy foods.