How to Stop Negative Self-talk and Feel More Confident

Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Body-image and self-confidence are issues that everyone faces regardless of their gender, race, sex, or age. Constantly tearing yourself down can negatively affect your health and well-being but with time and practice, you can learn to love and value your body. Here’s how to change negative self-talk into positive thoughts.

Acknowledge Your Thoughts

It’s normal to have negative thoughts and the first step to changing them into positive ones it to acknowledge them and to let them pass. Each time you have a negative thought, find something positive to replace it.

Only Compare You to You

The way you see your body is influenced by the media and the people around you, but only compare you to you. Strive to be the best version of yourself possible.

Acknowledge the Usefulness of Your Body

The next time you’re feeling bad about your body, think about all the amazing things your body can do.

Act Like You’re Talking to a Friend

The reality is that we’re usually kinder to our friends than we are to ourselves. Pretend the person looking back at you in the mirror is someone you care about and show yourself some kindness.

Be Fair

Think about if the expectations you have for your body are fair given your lifestyle and situation.