How to Make Rest Part of Your Every Day Routine

Photo by Drew Coffman on Unsplash

Rest is an essential part of life. In order to keep our mental and physical health at its best, it’s important to schedule in rest and relaxation in your daily routine. Here are some tips for making sure you give yourself the calm this year that your mind needs.

Accept That There Are Always Things To Do

It’s a simple fact of modern life. You’re always going to have tasks on your to-do list. Whether it’s washing your dishes, sending a birthday card or paying bills, there are always things to do. This doesn’t mean you have to be thinking about these things all the time.

Discover JOMO

Discover the Joy of Missing Out. Learn to turn down social events when you would rather stay home and rest. It’s OK to cut down on your commitments and put yourself first from time to time.

Give Your Mind Time To Wonder

In the age of smartphones, our minds are almost always stimulated. Next time you are on the bus home from work, put your phone down and give your mind time to wonder. This is a chance for it to refresh itself.

Rest Your Way

People rest in different ways. For some, the ideal rest is lying in bed doing nothing at all. For others, going on a walk is far more relaxing. Discover how you get the best rest and schedule this into your daily routine. Just 15 minutes of rest a day can make a difference to your state of mind.