How to Know If You’re a Workaholic

Working a lot, hustling, and always being busy are desirable traits nowadays. They mean that the person is responsible and determined, but people can easily go across the invisible borders.

As with all other addictions, workaholics will never admit that they have a problem with working too much. After all, isn’t it good to be productive and to not waste time?‌ In theory, yes, but there’s so much more to life than just work.

If you suspect you may be a workaholic, check if the following assumptions are true. If most of them are, you’re probably working too much.

  1. You’re constantly thinking about how you can squeeze in some more work in your free time.
  2. You always end up spending more time working than you initially planned.
  3. You keep working to avoid the feelings of guilt, anxiety, and depression.
  4. People have told you before that you should work less.
  5. If you’re unable to work, you feel stressed.
  6. Work is your top priority, above exercise, relaxing, and hobbies.
  7. You work so much that it has started to affect your health.

Remember that a fulfilled life requires balance and that you won’t get it by working your way through it. Working more often doesn’t mean doing more work. Productivity requires breaks, both short and long, so embrace relaxing and having fun with family and friends, as well as vacations.