How to Get the Most Out of Your Dry Shampoo

Dry Shampoo
Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Dry shampoo is an awesome and versatile product that can completely change your hair game if you know how to use it properly. Here are a few simple tips that will help you get the most out of your dry shampoo.

‘Refresh’ Your Bangs

Dry shampoo is very useful when it comes to refreshing greasy bangs. Apply dry shampoo, let it sit for a few minutes, and then use a brush or a blow dryer to disperse the shampoo and get perfect bangs.

Don’s Spray the Ends

The ends of your hair are probably not greasy so try to avoid applying dry shampoo to this section. This is a very common mistake that can make your hair dry and static.

It’s Not Just for Oily Hair

Dry shampoo is used for absorbing oils and combating greasy, dirty hair, but you can use it as a styling product as well. Applying dry shampoo to clean hair is a great way to instantly add volume to hair.

Get Wavy Hair

Getting wavy hair in your sleep is as easy as applying dry shampoo to your hair and creating a few loose braids before going to bed.