How to Check if Your Dog has had Plant Poisoning

A dog surrounded by flowers.
Photo by Chris on Unsplash

Canines are good companions and help to brighten any home. Many breeds are curious and playful, but while exploring, they can come across plants, especially flowers that are poisonous to them when ingested. Here is how you can know your dog is having plant poisoning.


Vomiting is a body mechanism in dogs that helps to get rid of poisonous foods. Sometimes, dogs chew grass and other weird stuff to vomit if they feel like something is disturbing their stomachs. With plant poisoning, the vomiting is persistent, leaving your dog looking sad and dehydrated.

Excessive Panting

Naturally, dogs pant when they are excited or when cooling their bodies. However, you may notice your dog is excessively panting. It can be a sign of plant poisoning, which increases its temperatures to uncomfortable levels. Your dog pants a lot as it tries to get rid of that temperature and may seem restless.


If you notice a change in your dog’s feces, something is definitely not right. When plant poisoned, dogs can get diarrhea, leaving them looking fatigued, sickly, and dehydrated. It can happen a few minutes after ingesting the poisonous plant, or hours before it starts showing so pay close attention to that.