This year has been crazy in so many ways and it’s only natural to be glad it’s going to be over soon. We’re all hoping for a fresh start once 2021 comes, but for now, we get to enjoy the change of season and all the good things it brings.
Fall is the season when everything changes. It can be a magical time that allows you to reevaluate your life and self-reflect. There’s a good reason you’re excited about it and it’s not just the weather finally getting more pleasant.
Fall comes with plenty of symbolism and things we traditionally do this time of year. If you don’t have your own garden to harvest the food you’ve been taking care of all year, maybe you can harvest the results of some other effort. Falling leaves can represent letting things go and it’s a good thing to do every year at the same time.
Fall is traditionally the time when the new school year starts and we all may feel the urge to start a new job or learn a new skill once this season comes. Since we’re going to stay home more this fall, it may be the perfect time for those things.