Here’s What You Need to Build a Home Gym For Under $25

With many gyms across the country closed, getting a workout at home has become the next best thing. For bodyweight workouts, you don’t need any equipment, but having some exercise equipment at home can help mix things up and challenge you. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, to get some great equipment—for just $25, you can get some really great items that will take your workout to the next level.

Long Resistance Bands

Resistance bands will work your entire body. You can do chest presses, rows, triceps kickbacks, standing twists, and upright rows by simply looping the band around solid objects. For squats, biceps curls, front raises, side bends, and overhead presses place the band underneath your feet.

Mini Resistance Loops

These smaller bands help work your hips and glutes. Just place them above or below your knees for lateral band walks and fire hydrants or under one foot for single-leg deadlifts.

Jump Rope

Jump ropes can help you get your cardio workout in when you can’t go outside for a bike ride or run. Mix in some jump rope with your workout to get your heart rate up.

Foam Roller

Foam rollers are great for mobility and recovery work as they help activate and relax muscles. They’ll also help deal with a stiff back if you’ve been sitting a lot.