Here’s what you Need for a Perfect Picnic

Photo by Rob Bye on Unsplash

As the weather becomes warmer, it’s natural to feel more inclined to be outside. A wonderful way to celebrate the changing of seasons is a picnic in the park. Whether you’re with friends or a family, planning the perfect picnic snacks can make all the difference.

Bite Size Snacks

A good rule of thumb for picnics is to make things people can access easily while still being social. Having things like nuts, chips, and precut vegetables are easy ways to get people fed without a big fuss. Depending on the size of the group, you can have a few communal dip bowls in plastic containers spread around the blanket or picnic table.

Main Courses

Even with main courses, it is best to stick with dishes that can be easily served and eaten. A great idea is to have a taco bar so people can choose what they’d like, which makes it easier for you to prep! Another fun idea is to make something like a peanut butter roll up, which is a slightly elevated version of the classic pb&j.


Even if you’re only serving strictly finger food, don’t forget to bring utensils and plates. This is not only good for utility for also setting the ambiance.