Here’s How to Protect your Skin from Autumn Effects and Look Glamorous

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Nothing displays Fall better than the sun’s rays on yellow, red and orange tree leaves. But for your skin, autumn is not the best of seasons. From drying to peeling, red sores to irritation, autumn windburn is real.

Protect your skin and command elegance by using the right wear and beauty products.

  • Clothing

Choose a high-collared coat wherever you go. While normally the neck doesn’t have to be covered, autumn’s windburn makes it important to cover any part vulnerable to windburn. That also means wearing a hat and a scarf. To protect your legs, now is the time to don your favorite pair of trousers and socks. Don’t forget to use sunglasses for eye protection as well.

  • Skin Products

Moisturize your skin fully before stepping out of your compound. While warm wear may keep you warm and covered, the autumn wind can still find a way of burning your skin. A good sunscreen will add a layer of protection where your moisturizer can’t. If you must go to the beach, stay off the tanning beds. You want to limit your time in the open to reduce the effects of the cool, dry Fall air.

  • Rudiments

In case you begin to experience a peeling skin, hydration and other autumn effects, use cream moisturizers. Look for an anti-itch lotion and ointments. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and keep your humidifier on. If nothing seems to work, consider visiting your doctor. In worse cases, the cool dry air can cause rashes and fever that may best be addressed by a doctor.