Healthy Snacks You Should Keep in Your Desk

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

There is nothing wrong with a snack at the office. But it must be a healthy snack that will keep you going through a long afternoon without piling on the pounds.


Seeds are rich in protein and easily stored. Mix your own combination of favorites.

Raw unsalted nuts

They contain protein and fat.

Dried fruit

Sweet yet filled with healthy fiber.

Healthy crackers

Add to hummus to make a delicious energy-boosting snack.

Air-popped popcorn

An excellent way of consuming corn. Add healthy seasoning such as turmeric.

Beef jerky

Choose the kind that is low in sodium is a great protein-booster.

Nut butter

Nut butter can be used in combination with a variety of snacks. It is rich in protein. Buy products with little or no added salt or sugar. Granola in its loose form is a fiber-rich snack. Add milk for extra protein.

Wholefood granola bars

Watch out for brands with lots of additives. Dark chocolate gives the body a magnesium boost.

Roasted chickpeas

Can be substituted for hummus cheese. Water-packed tuna pouches are full of protein and fatty acids.