Fun DIY Projects With Bandanas

Photo by Spencer Dahl on Unsplash

Everyone has a memory involving a bandana; whether you were at camp, playing outside, or tying one around your arm or leg during a color war, bandanas are a crucial part of childhood. But, they also make great DIY bases! Try these easy projects at home and be more resourceful and unique.

Cloth Napkins

Using a paper napkin is not only not beautiful, it’s also not good for the earth. So, to make less waste, trade in the paper for cloth! The easiest way to do that is to go to a cheap store and pick up a ton of bandanas. You can pick a color scheme or just go crazy and shoot for the rainbow.

Gift Wrap

Another way to eliminate waste is by using a bandana to wrap your presents! If you’re looking to give a small present to a friend or family member, wrap it in a bandana and you’ll be helping the planet and being super original.

Water Filter

If you are someone who loves to camp and hike, bring a bandana with you for an impromptu water filter! The tiny holes between the fibers of the bandana will help keep your water clean if you’re getting it from a stream.