DIY Zero Waste Products, That Save You Money

Whether you’re going totally waste-free or just trying to incorporate using less waste in your life, a lot of products seem super appealing and promise to make living zero waste easier.

However, a lot of them really won’t be helpful to you, and you can probably create them out of things you already own. Go ahead and create your own zero waste products; this will save you money and you will be upcycling things you already own.

Reusable Cotton Rounds

These appeal to people who wear makeup because they replace disposable cotton rounds that are used to take makeup off. However, you don’t need to buy these, you can just use a washcloth or even just some scrap organic fabric instead!


Jars are really useful for going zero waste because you can use them for storage, beverages, and more. However, don’t go out and buy them, just start saving the ones you have! Whether it’s from olives, pickles, tomato sauce, or more, save and clean out your jars so you can upcycle them!

Cloths and Hankies

You might be tempted to go out and buy a bunch of cloth towels to use for cleaning or to use as a handkerchief, but you don’t need to. Just save your old t-shirts and cut them into squares and you have your own towels, hankies, napkins, and more!