DIY home products are the best. Whether it is a washing detergent or a face cream, you know exactly what the ingredients are. This bathroom cleaner will change your life. Spare five minutes of your time to make it and your bathroom will shine more than ever.
To make this natural bathroom cleaner, you need to get 1 tablespoon baking soda, 2 tablespoons castile soap, 20 drops sweet orange essential oil, 2 cups warm water, 30 drops tea tree essential oil. The water should be distilled and for long-term purposes. Also, the final product should go into a glass spray bottle, with a size of 16 oz.
The best thing about this DIY bathroom cleaner is that it will only take you minutes to make it. All you have to do is grab the bottle and fill it with the water, and then add the baking soda. Shake the glass bottle very well so that you mix the two ingredients. After this, you include the orange, tea tree oil, and the castile soap. Shake the bottle once again to get the perfect bathroom cleaner. The use is also pretty simple. Spray the liquid on the surfaces, let it stay for a minute and clean with a damp cloth. This spray does not contain any harmful chemicals that are bad for you and the other people living in the house.