Cut Down Your Screen Time With 3 Surprisingly Easy Hacks

Most of us spend countless hours mindlessly scrolling through our phones, but getting rid of this habit is easier said than done. If you’re looking for a way to cut down your screen time, these three hacks will get you there.

Limit Notifications

Have you ever picked up your phone just to check out a single notification and ended up scrolling through your Instagram for the next 30 minutes?

We’ve all been there, and turning off the notifications that are not crucial is a good way to stop this bad habit.

Leave Your Phone Behind

We’re not suggesting you should leave your phone at home every time you go somewhere, but it doesn’t necessarily have to occupy every space you’re in. Leave it behind when you’re going to the bathroom and your screen time will probably be cut in half.

Designated Time

If you can’t imagine deleting some of your favorite apps, at least limit the usage. Set the alarm or install some software that will prevent you from looking at distracting apps after a certain period of time, such as Freedom or Self-Control.