Common Misconceptions About Cooking Pasta Debunked

Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

Pasta is pretty much impossible not to love because it’s easy to cook it and you can mix it up with countless different ingredients. Most of us cook it in our own special way and follow the rules we think are essential, but some of them just happen to be silly myths – and it’s time to debunk them.

Superior Pasta

Many people believe that fresh pasta is superior to dried one, but that’s not always the case. Fresh pasta can work better with certain kinds of sauces, but that doesn’t necessarily make it better each time.

Just Add Oil

Most of us don’t add pasta to the pot before adding the oil first, but experts agree this is not necessary. This will make your pasta more slippery instead of stopping it from sticking to the sauce.

Good Rinse

If you tend to give your pasta a good rinse after draining it, feel free to skip this step. It’s completely unnecessary unless you intend to use it to make pasta salad.

Too Much Draining

You’re not supposed to drain every ounce of water from your pasta once it’s done cooking. Water can do a pretty good job when it comes to thinning your sauce, so leave a bit of it in.