
Museums, castles, beaches, and amusement parks always make it to the list of top attractions in every major city, but how about bookstores? You don’t have to be a huge book lover to find something interesting inside them, and here are five reasons why you should explore them every...
Paris food
One of the best ways to experience a new country is through its cuisine. Pasta in Italy, tacos in Mexico, sushi in Japan — need we say more? The food of a place often consists of recipes handed down through generations and it makes use of the ingredients indigenous...
Vacation vibes
Traveling around the world can be fun for a multitude of reasons. It really depends on what you're looking for, and what your interests are. That being said, there are some pretty basic things you can internalize if you want to get the best out of your vacation. Here...
Working remotely
Saving money on short-term trips is pretty easy, but different rules apply when you’re staying on the road for longer than a week or two. Long-term trips bring a whole new set of problems that you have to solve, but you can make them budget-friendly with these useful tips. Right...
A day trip to Banff National Park, Canada.
Day trips are always a good idea because they allow you to explore the local area of your hometown and foreign cities that you’re visiting. If you’re traveling on a budget, it’s extremely important to keep them affordable, and you can do it in three short steps. Perfect Plan The more...
Road trip
We all have times where what we need most is a chance to spend some one-on-one time with ourselves. One great way to get away is to hit the open road. While taking a road trip with friends can be a great bonding experience, taking one by yourself can...
Work and travel
Many people dream about traveling around the world, which can be hard if you have a full-time job. Luckily, there are many remote jobs you can do while traveling, and here are some of them. Virtual Assistant A virtual assistant is a person who supports clients from a remote location by...
Solo travel
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and if you’re looking for a perfect way to celebrate it, hitting the road is just the thing you need—even if you’re single. Solo Valentine’s Day trips can be truly empowering, and here are three reasons why you should embark on one...
Road trip
Money is usually tight at the beginning of the year for most of us because we already spent our travel budget on our winter holiday and don’t have any free vacation days to use up. That shouldn’t stop you from keeping your sense of adventure alive and here are...
Christmas Market in Frankfurt, Germany.
Christmas markets are a staple of the holiday season, and no winter trip is complete without them. Since winter vacations already come with a pretty high price tag, you should try to keep your Christmas market visit as budget-friendly as possible and these three tips will get you there. Proper...

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