
Traveling with a low budget airline is all fun and games until you realize the tickets aren’t as cheap as you first thought. Many of the things you usually get for free come with a high price, and here’s a couple of hidden costs you should keep in mind...
As 2019 comes to a close, it’s time to decide where to ring in the new year. The list of choices is infinite, and it can also include staying at home. Just in case you have something more glamorous in mind, we’ve rounded up a list of best cities for New Year’s Eve...
Immersive museums are on the rise, and if you’re looking for one during your visit to Budapest, we’ve got just the place. The Museum of Sweets and Selfies is what happens when photo opportunity and sweet culinary experience end up being wrapped into one. The founders of this adorable...
Austria is a small country in Central Europe with such a rich history that you will need several days to visit all the museums in its capital, Vienna. If you have limited time, these are our top 5 picks that you absolutely shouldn’t miss. Kunsthistorisches Museum This is the best place...
Beer, or in Czech - Pivo has a long history in its home country and it’s the most popular beverage that the Czech Republic is known for. The long story of brewing in this country starts at Břevnov Monastery in 993. The city of Brno had the right to brew beer from the...
We have to be honest with you, we've never thought of using an airport gym before. In fact, we didn't even know they existed until now. With the amount of time we spend waiting for our flights to board at the airport, they seem like a good use for...
Traveling solo is an empowering experience you should try at least once, but everyone who ever went down that road knows how lonely it can get. If you ever find yourself struggling with this feeling, use these useful tips to overcome it. Stay in Touch It’s natural to miss your friends and family...
It's easy to find Christmas events and parties throughout the United States, but when you're looking for Hanukkah festivities it can be a lot more challenging. Don't worry, we've come across a bunch of Hanukkah events that are well worth the travel. Check them out below. Latke Festival Who doesn't love...
If you love candy, you need to see this! There’s a new temporary accommodation in the heart of London, in Soho, and you can stay in it this year around the holidays! Its name is appropriate — Candy Cane — and it features all the candy you could ever...
We all follow a couple of travel bloggers who are constantly jet-setting around the world and leading a seemingly perfect life. It’s difficult to avoid feeling jealous every time their photos pop up on your feed, but it’s possible to avoid that feeling of travel envy we’ve all experienced at least once. Job Prospects People...

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