
Girl taking selfie
If you're on vacation or perhaps in the middle of a special event, then taking a selfie is an ideal way to take a snapshot on the go without much planning. But while it may seem simple, there are some very specific steps that you need to take to...
Job interview
Got a job interview coming up? Congratulations! It's time to prepare and ace that opportunity. Here are some friendly and informative tips to help you get ready for your job interview and increase your chances of success. @careergodfather Job interview tips. How to answer the question, “Can you...
When it comes to becoming an expert in something, there is a popular idea that nothing beats experience. This idea wisely suggests that it doesn't really matter how many books you've read on a subject, or how many YouTube videos you've watched. Unless you actually have real experience in...
Kids working
When it comes to career advice, there is a popular saying that you should "fake it till you make it". For those of you who have never heard of this, faking it till you make it is the idea that even if you aren't so confident about completing a...
Learning Online
In this day and age, there are so many different ways to make an income. For instance, people with unique and rare skills have taken to the online market to create online courses that users can take for a fee. You may be wondering if you have what it...
Out of all the different emerging trends in the world today, one of the most prominent is software engineering. This shouldn't come as any surprise, considering the fact that as our society has furthered in technology, so has the demand for talented coders. The idea of learning how to...
When it comes to learning a new skill, there are two main elements that need to be addressed. The learning of it, and the doing it. If this idea sounds a little bit funky to you, bear with us for a moment because we're about to dive in. If...
Steve Carell in "The Big Short"
Who says documentaries have to be boring? Netflix offers a treasure trove of thought-provoking films that not only entertain but also provide valuable insights into the world of money. So, grab your favorite snack, settle into your comfiest spot on the couch, and get ready to embark on a...
Ah, love. It's a beautiful thing, isn't it? But even the most loving long-term relationships can sometimes feel like they've lost their spark as the excitement of new love fades over time. But fear not! There are plenty of creative ideas to keep that flame burning bright. From little...
It's time to stop relying on your friends to take your photos and become your photographer. With just a few tips and tricks, you can create stunning, eye-catching photos that will have your followers scrolling for hours. Whether you're traveling solo or just want to capture the perfect selfie,...

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