Best Ways to Cool Down Your Home Without Air Conditioning

Photo by Alistair MacRobert on Unsplash

Some people can’t imagine summer without cranking up their AC, but not everyone can afford to use it. Plus, it’s not the best thing for the environment. If you don’t have air conditioning at home or simply don’t want to turn it on, here’s a couple of tricks you can use to cool down your house.

Close Your Blinds

Closing your curtains or blinds is a good idea, especially if your windows face the sun’s direction because you’ll stop the sunlight from coming.

Close Unused Doors

If there are any rooms in your house that you’re not using frequently, consider closing the doors. You’ll keep the cool air out of the unoccupied areas this way.  

Use a Fan

Fans are an extremely popular alternative to AC, and you can make them even more effective by placing a large bucket of ice in front of the fan before turning it on.

Hack Your Ceiling Fans

If you have ceiling fans at home, check if you can change their settings. By setting them to rotate counter-clockwise, they’ll create a cool breeze inside your room.