Are You Making These Rookie Mistakes While Decorating?

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

If you don’t make mistakes, you don’t make anything. Sometimes it’s good to learn from your own mistakes, but when it comes to decorating, it’s much better to see where others did wrong and simply avoid it. Go through our list if you feel like your home could handle some improvement and see if the tips help you.

Hang Art at Eye Level

This is the basic tip that you should follow when in doubt, but feel free to play around and follow your own preferences.

Tuck Rugs Under Furniture

If you just place a rug randomly in the room, there’s a big chance it will look like a bath mat. Test your options as much as you can before committing.

Always Measure

You don’t need to be too precise, but at least make sure things will fit into your space when ordering online. Don’t forget that they need to get through the doors!