5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Running Shoes

Photo by Kristian Egelund on Unsplash

Finding the perfect pair of running shoes is like hitting the jackpot and once you’ve found them it’s hard to part from them. Running shoes are an investment, but a good pair can prevent injuries and boost your workout.

In general, you’re supposed to replace your running shoes between every 300 to 500 miles, which is about four to six months for someone who runs 20 miles a week. But how often you should replace them also depends on your weight, your stride, your form, and where you run.

So, what are some signs that it’s time to get a new pair of running shoes?

Your Shoes Will Be Flat

The impact of running is absorbed by the bouncy midsole foam in your shoes. But when your shoes start to age, the foam doesn’t rebound like it used to and it can lead to soreness and injuries.

Aches and Pains

The day after it’s normal to feel some aches and pains, but these should go away. If it continues or happens every time you run, it’s time to get a new pair of shoes.


Worn Soles

Like tires, shoes have treads that cushion your landing and grip the pavement. Over time, the treads will show signs of wear and tear.


Uneven Wear

As mentioned, finding the perfect running shoe is difficult, and if your shoes have signs of uneven wear, you may have been wearing shoes that weren’t giving your feet the support they needed. Next time you buy running shoes, let the store know that your shoes have signs of uneven wear.


Blisters or Brush Burn

It’s time to replace your shoes when they start giving you blisters or rubbing against your skin. They’re not giving you the support they once did and the shape has been altered.
