5 Huge Health Benefits of Quark

Image via johanna.kocht/Instagram

Quark is a soft, creamy cheese that is also very low in calories. That means you can enjoy in this new addition in your diet as much as you like. Aside from being super-delicious, this cheese is also very beneficial to your health. It is currently very popular all around the world, and the reasons below will convince you to buy it too.

High In Protein

That’s what we all want, isn’t it! Foods that are rich in protein but will not make you fat. Quark is exactly that. This is the ingredient our body needs to build muscles. The best thing about this creamy cheese is that it contains more protein than Greek yogurt.


Promotes Digestive Health

It provides a ton of good bacteria that protect and promote the health of the gut.

Low in Calories

Another win for quark. Why spend your time on foods that contain plenty of calories when you can choose a healthy option.


High in Calcium

This is one of those foods that give you plenty of vitamins and minerals, while also being low in calories. You can get much more calcium from this cheese compared to other dairy products.

Low in Fat

Quark is a substitute for cream cheese, which means you’ve just found a low-fat version of your favorite spread.