3 Ways to Recycle Old Materials to Decorate your Home

Photo by Zbysiu Rodak on Unsplash

Decorating your home can become pricey and time-consuming, but to cut costs and time, you can use what you already have and paint it to put in another part of your home.

An old wood bedstand can be repainted in a beautiful, bright color to match your new décor, or broken down to make some fun shelves. Glass jars can become candles or table decorations, fruit boxes can be painted and mounted on the wall as cubby holes for your kids’ room. There are endless ways to use what you have and make it functional again.

Here are 5 easy ways to recycle things you have around the house to give your home a new look.

Re-Paint a Wooden Dresser

If you have an old wooden nightstand or dresser that is on its last legs, don’t throw it out, repair it and give it a new coat of paint. It will totally change the look and make it more desirable again. You can put it in the hallway for people to throw their keys on it, or keep it in the bedroom and change the handles to make it more modern.


Reupholster a Chair

If you are decorating your dining room but don’t want to buy a new table and chairs you can transform them by re-staining the wood or reupholstering the fabric. This will give the whole room a new look and will be cheaper in the long run.


Recycle Glass Bottles

You probably have lots of used glass bottles and jars in your kitchen from finished food and drink. Don’t throw them away, clean them out and use them as vases, candle holders or fill them with pretty pebbles and put them on your coffee table for some decoration.
