3 Tips For Setting Up a Home Yoga Studio

Photo by Zen Bear Yoga on Unsplash

With gyms and studios closed during the coronavirus, it’s important to find ways to keep active. Most exercises can be done at home with some modifications and you can even set up your own at-home yoga studio. There’s also an abundance of classes available for steaming online through Zoom and YouTube. Here are three tips to get you started on your very own yoga studio.

What You’ll Need

To begin with, create a point of inspiration. Points of inspiration can include a statue, a window, or a painting and let it be the focal point of your space. In regards to equipment, you’ll need a yoga mat, at least two blocks, two staps, and one bolster.


Set the Mood

To create a calm and relaxing environment you’ll need some cushions, speakers for a yoga playlist, a mini-spray bottle with essential oils, and some candles or a diffuser.


Decorate the Space

Make the space feel special by painting the walls calming colors like grays, warm yellows, and light greens. Soft colors will help you feel relaxed and ready for meditation.
