3 Podcasts to Listen to If You Like Learning New Things

Recording a podcast
Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

If you like learning new things, podcasts are a great place to start. There are podcasts about all manner of subjects by people from all walks of life. Finding the best ones can be a bit overwhelming when there are so many to choose from. So, here are some super informative podcasts to get you started.

The Memory Palace

The Memory Palace will immerse you in the past through vignettes and short stories. Hosted by a former NPR reporter, it’s a creative way to learn about history from perspectives you might not have known about before.

Switched On Pop

Switched On Pop is a super interesting way to see pop music in a new light. A music producer and a musicologist analyze current pop hits using traditional analysis techniques. It’s a great way to get a deeper understanding of the music you listen to. It also helps you see how music today came out of the music of the past.

99% Invisible

99% Invisible is a podcast about all the things you probably never thought about before. If you’ve ever looked around and wondered “why does our world look how it does?” Then this is the podcast for you. Hear, and many others, wherever you listen to podcasts.