3 Harmful Fitness Habits and Trends to Leave Behind in 2021

Fitness trends
Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

If you’re trying to embrace the “New Year, new me” mindset in 2022, there are some bad habits that you’ll have to leave behind. Some of them are probably linked to your approach to fitness, and here are three common habits that are doing you more harm than good.

Constant Comparison

Comparing yourself to others is one of the worst habits none of us is immune to, but there’s no harm in trying to leave it behind. The best way to do it is to understand that other people are on a different journey and that the only person that you’re competing with is yourself.

Drastic Diets

Eating healthy is a noble goal that we should all strive for, but you shouldn’t resort to drastic measures to make it happen. Instead of embracing fad diets and expecting overnight success, take baby steps and try to change your diet by adding more fruits and veggies, and eliminating snacks and sweets whenever possible.

Viral Challenges

It’s tempting to try a new fitness challenge after seeing everyone else is doing it, but some of them aren’t as amazing as it seems at first. 12-3-30 workouts and weighted hula hoops are two viral fitness trends that perfectly demonstrate you should think twice before giving them a shot.