Why You Should Use Blotting Papers

Image via maicouture/Instagram

If your skin is naturally oily, you’ll notice it getting even oilier during the summer. There’s nothing worse than noticing your face shining through makeup only a few hours after you applied it. There’s something that will help you fight this inconvenience, and it’s blotting papers.

City life and daily makeup are known to make the problem of having oily skin worse. There’s not much you can do about it, except learning how to control it on a daily basis. Blotting papers are a lifesaver on any regular day when you arrive at work looking perfect only to realize that your face is shiny a few hours later.

Blotting papers are not a new product – they date from medieval Japan. They are made from a special kind of paper and look similar to parchment paper used in the baking industry. They often come with a thin layer of talk that further helps matte the skin.

You use them by pressing them onto the skin gently to absorb the excess grease. They are not meant to be rubbed, as they will then ruin the makeup.