What to Know Before You Try Surfing for the First Time

A surfer in Bali, Indonesia
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Surfing is an incredibly fun activity that is not only a great workout but also gives you the opportunity to enjoy the water and commune with nature. That being said, it’s a pretty difficult sport with a steep learning curve, so to be prepared for your first time out, here are a few things you need to know.

Respect the Ocean

Even if you’re a strong swimmer and a confident athlete—in fact, even if you’ve had years of surfing experience—the ocean can still surprise you. The truth is that nobody is more powerful than Mother Nature so, first and foremost, have some humility and respect for the ocean.

Trust the Pros

There are many things that you can learn to do on your own but, when it comes to surfing, taking lessons is really a great way to start. Not only will you get help finding the right board and waves for you, but you’ll also have somebody with experience who can guide you through something that can be quite complex at first.

Start Small

When it comes to surfing, it’s a good idea to take your time and work your way up, even if you’re feeling confident. Sure, the small waves might be feeling pretty easy, but that doesn’t mean you’re immediately ready to start riding a barreling overhead wave.