What is Procrastination and How Can You Overcome It?

Procrastination is an action of postponing or avoiding an unpleasant task that we need to do and most of us have experienced it at some point in our lives. This habit can make us feel bad and ashamed and it often leads to reduced productivity and anxiety. Here are a few ways you can deal with procrastination.

Break It Down

Procrastination is often caused by the feeling that a specific task is too hard and overwhelming. The way to overcome this obstacle is to break your work into smaller parts and focus on them.

Get Rid of Distractions

If you’re distracted by checking your email or social media when you should be focusing on your work – put an end to this. Getting rid of all the distractions while you’re working will boost your productivity more than you could imagine.


Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself once you finish a part of your job is also a very effective method. Treat yourself with your favorite sweets, an episode of your favorite sitcom, or a quick walk around the house, but only when you complete a part of your task.

Change the Environment

If you feel that your work environment is affecting your productivity, make sure to change something about it. Go to another room, if that’s an option, or redecorate your office so it feels more comfortable and inspiring.