What is Minimalism? The Unexpected Benefits of Owning Less

Minimalist closet
Photo by piotr szulawski on Unsplash

Minimalism is a lifestyle philosophy that has become quite common in recent years, popularized in part by Japanese professional organizer Marie Kondo through her best-selling book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. By living a minimalist lifestyle, individuals are encouraged to let go of excessive material belongings and keep only what is useful or “sparks joy.” In a society that often equates material possessions with success and happiness, adopting a minimalist lifestyle may seem counterintuitive, but it actually offers plenty of benefits. Here’s how owning less can give you more. 

Reduced Stress & Increased Mental Clarity

They say the state of your bed is the state of your head, and it’s true that the mind can relax and focus more effectively in a clutter-free environment. Without visual and mental distractions from excess possessions, it becomes much easier to maintain a sense of calm throughout the day. Minimalism allows us to escape the burden of managing and organizing so many belongings, freeing up mental and physical space for more meaningful pursuits.

Financial Freedom

By learning to think twice before bringing home unnecessary possessions, it becomes easier to save money and put what resources we do have toward things that enrich our lives. Minimalists tend to prioritize experiences over material goods, seeking fulfillment through travel, personal growth, and meaningful relationships.

Environmental Sustainability

Our consumer-driven culture often leads to excessive production and waste, and this has a serious negative impact on the environment. By adopting a minimalist lifestyle, we’re able to reduce consumption and minimize our waste and carbon footprint in the process. With a focus on quality over quantity, minimalists make more deliberate and sustainable choices around what they do consume, and this shift towards conscious consumption contributes to the preservation of the planet’s natural resources.