What Can Your feet tell you about your health

Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash

We sometimes disregard our feet as it is far from our head as a body part can be, however that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve care. There are some convincing reasons why you should need to analyze your feet.

Feet reveals numerous ailment or medical conditions that might affect our entire body. However, you don’t need to be a specialist to know what your feet are saying about your health, you simply need to recognize what signs to search for.

Dry and Flaking Skin

Most of the people have cracked, dry and flaky heels. Yet, if you have them constantly, it could be an indication of something more serious.

It might be a sign of Thyroid condition, the drying and thickening of skin on the feet are both symptoms of thyroid issues.

But sometimes, dry skin can just be a result of a not too serious illness and might only be a result from changing weather.


Lines under your Toenails

When somebody steps on your toes or you drop a substantial object onto your foot, you’ll no doubt have some toenail staining. Dark stains under your toenail shouldn’t be concerning if you know what have caused it.

Dark and vertical lines under a toenail could be an indication of a concealed melanoma. We’re improving in battling cancer every day; however concealed melanomas regularly go neglected and untreated.

Persistent Sores

It is likely to encounter nerve damage to some degree if you have diabetes. Nerve damage, or neuropathy, results to individuals being not able feel or notice wounds or injuries like blisters.

Nerve damage can likewise make feet and toes change shape. Dry, cracked and peeling skin on the feet can likewise be an indication of diabetes, as can calluses and poor flow.

Keep in mind all the mentioned symptoms and seek a Physician once you feel that there is a need.

Painful toe joints

Pain in toe joints can be the result of rheumatoid arthritis. This illness makes the coating of the joints swollen and inflamed. Thus, lead to decreasing mobility due damaged joints, ligaments and tissues. Various foods like green leafy vegetables, salmon, tuna and strawberries, can help relieve these symptoms and provides pain relief.


Enlarged Big Toe

For men, the most well-known type of inflammatory arthritis is gout and this may cause the big toe to become red, hot, swollen and severely painful. Gout is a form of arthritis caused by urate crystals building up in your joints.  It also increases the risk of kidney stones. This illness is often activated by eating certain foods like red meat, nuts and alcoholic beverages.
