Waxing vs. Shaving: What’s the Best Hair Removal Method?

Ah, the waxing vs. shaving hair removal debate. Shaving is considered to be cheaper and more convenient but is it really that much worse than waxing? Here is an honest review of both methods based on efficiency and value. Of course, opting out altogether is an option too.



Generally speaking, shaving is a cheaper option as you can purchase razors from the Dollorama whereas salon appointments can be expensive. That said, when you wax, you rip the hair out from the root. This means that the hair takes up to six weeks longer to grow back. If you are investing in quality razors once every couple of weeks, you might find it is more cost-efficient to get a wax instead.


Almost everyone agrees that waxing produces a smoother, silkier finish. This is because hair is pulled from the root. Shaving, on the other hand, can lead to cuts and nicks if you are using a cheap razer. Hair also grows back slower when you wax it which means you don’t get that itchy feeling you get a few days after a shave.


Other Factors

For many, one of the downsides of waxing is the pain factor. If you do it right, however, waxing is actually relatively pain-free. Another benefit of waxing over shaving is that some people find their hair grows back softer and finer. This is preferable over the stubble which occurs when you shave often.

And The Winner Is…

Waxing. But if you are on a tight budget, shaving will do the trick too.