Vitamin C is 2020’s Most Wanted Beauty Ingredient

Photo by Apostolos Vamvouras on Unsplash

When it comes to skincare, we rely on the “holy trinity” of products—sunscreen with a protective factor, retinol, and vitamin C. Experts in the field of skincare claim your skin is guaranteed to be healthier and have a natural glow if you apply these three ingredients regularly.

Even though it’s not a novelty on the market, vitamin C is the most wanted ingredient in web searches in 2020. How this ingredient became a mainstay in the skincare industry for such a long time? Its secret is a method of application, that is constantly being improved and applied in new formulations, such as concentrated serums.

There are many things you may not have known about vitamin C. It has an antioxidant effect and it’s one of the best protectors of skin in defense of harmful external influences, such as various types of pollution, and of course UV rays and infrared radiation.

Besides the fact it’s playing a significant role in our diets, it’s an extremely effective ingredient for surface skincare. Vitamin C also promotes the natural production of collagen which makes your skin look soft and youthful, and reduces pre-existing damage to your skin.