Using Newspaper in Your Garden

Image via Pexels

Discarding newspaper in your weekly garbage is a waste, given that it’s recyclable. But before you toss it in the recycling bin, consider some of these uses of newspaper in your garden:


Make little newspaper shells to plant seedlings. Soak the newspaper in water. After a day, mix the pulp thoroughly. Squeeze out excess water. Press a layer into a small cup. After 3 days of drying, you’ll have a handmade planter.

Container gardens

Put a few layers of newspaper around the inside of your flower pots before adding soil and plants. It slows moisture loss and can make a good weed barrier.


Put newspaper in your compost bin to neutralize the odor caused by the nitrogenous materials from the decomposition of grass cuttings and kitchen scraps.

Worm Bin

Line the bottom of your worm bin with shredded, dampened newspaper strips. The worms will feed on this together with kitchen scraps. Keep replenishing it.

Trap pests

Damp newspapers are irresistible to pests such as slugs and earwigs as a daytime hiding place. Once they’ve all arrived, you just need to collect the newspaper and get rid of them.