Upgrade Your Wine Nights with a Beautiful Cheese Board

Photo by Erik Dungan on Unsplash

We’ve been having an awful lot of wine nights this year and sometimes we just want it to feel a bit more special than you and your girlfriends sitting around with a bottle of Chardonnay. So, what can we do to make staying in feel a little more like going out? Learning to craft our very own cheese board, of course.

First and foremost, It’s important to have a variety of different textured and flavored types of cheese. When thinking about what cheese you want to incorporate, look for a combination of hard and soft cheese as well as some with softer flavors and some more pungent.

Now it’s time to add in everything else. This can include fruits—both fresh and dried—nuts, honey, and a variety of different crackers. The goal here is to add color, dimension, and of course flavor.


Finally, it’s time to play the artist. You can play with hyper-organized layouts or something more organic. At this step it’s what makes looks good to your eye and makes you happy.