Unexpectedly Delicious Ways to Sweeten Your Coffee

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

There’s no better way to start your day than a nice cup of coffee. Whether warm and comforting or iced and refreshing, it’ll pick you right up and keep you going. Adding sugar will turn it into a sweet treat, but there are lots of fun ways to make your coffee sweet and taste even better than sugar. Here are some unconventional sweeteners that you should definitely try adding to your coffee if you haven’t already.

Maple syrup

Maple has a distinct flavor that tastes amazing on pancakes and in candy. It offers that unique and delicious flavor to coffee as well, and the sweetness is a little more muted so it really brings out the coffee taste.


Often used for tea or milk, honey’s sweetness is warm and comforting like nothing else. Coupled with coffee’s bitterness, it can turn the most caffeinated cup into a calming cold-weather drink. Add some cinnamon and warm milk to make a super yummy drink called Miele!

Coconut sugar

One coffee drink ingredient that has gained popularity lately is coconut milk because it is seen as healthier and a more interesting flavor than milk. Well, the same can be said of coconut sugar. This is a great vegan sugar alternative for anyone searching for a new unique flavor for their coffee.