These days, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there about caring for your curls. If you’ve decided to ditch the straighteners and start giving your curls the love they deserve, we’re here to break it down for you!
Use Natural Products
Choose products that are free from parabens, sulfates, silicones, and other harsh ingredients. Natural ingredients like shea butter, olive oil, jojoba oil, and aloe vera will nourish your curls and help reduce build-up.
Less is More
With so many curl-approved products out there, it can be tempting to fill your basket and start slathering them on! For the sake of your hair (and your wallet), start with a simple routine. Get to know your hair type and choose a sulfate-free shampoo or ‘low-poo’, a conditioner, and a gel or mousse. That’s all you need to begin your curly journey!
Don’t Over Wash
Curly hair is prone to getting dry and frizzy. Your scalp produces natural oils that will keep your hair healthy and glossy so don’t keep washing them away. Wash 1-2 times per week, and protect your curls at night with a bonnet to keep them looking fresh in between!
Have Fun!
Getting to know your curls shouldn’t be a trial! You’ll have bad wash days and good wash days and that’s okay. You can always shove it up in a bun and try again tomorrow. Find some entertaining curly influencers to follow, experiment with different looks and styling techniques, and most importantly, don’t stress. Keep calm AND curly!