Tips For Structuring Your Work From Home Schedule

For many of us, it’s been about a month since we started working from home and adjusting to this routine has been difficult. Trying to maintain any type of normality during these times is stressful, but it’s not impossible. Here are some ways to transition into remote work more easily.

Schedule in Blocks

When you don’t know where to start, you can lose track of time and before you know it, your work day is over. Block scheduling can help by making your responsibilities more doable by focusing on specific tasks for an hour or two without any interruptions. After each block, give yourself a 15-minute break before moving on to your next block.

Also, start your more challenging or time-consuming tasks at the beginning of the day, so you can spend the rest of your energy on smaller items.

Give Yourself Breaks

Working from home gives you more flexibility, so you can figure out the times of day that you’re most productive and work around them. But, it’s important to take small breaks throughout your work day. Make sure at the end of your work day, you completely shut down all your work devices.

Try a Non-Traditional Schedule

Try a fragmented schedule with lots of breaks outside or spending time with your kids. It’s important to prioritize health, as these times are stressful enough.