This Is Why You Should Add Toner to Your Hair Routine

Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash

For most of us, toner is the thing that your hairdresser puts on your hair when you’ve accidentally made your hair orange instead of platinum blonde. In reality, toner is something that we could all benefit from using if we want to mix up our hairstyle at home. Here’s why.

It’s Not Just For Blondes

Toner isn’t just used to rid blonde hair of those rusty shades. It adds cooler and warmer tones to brunette hair too. If you have reddish shades in your brunette hair you are trying to remove, adding a toner to your routine can help make your hair look richer and revitalized.

It’s Not Permanent

Using a toner is a risk-free move. They are temporary topcoats that change the tone of your hair without permanently transforming your shade. It’s basically the perfect solution for people who want to try something new without the risk of majorly changing their hair.

It Adds Shine

When you dye your hair, it often looks luscious and shiny during the first week and then starts to dull at the 2-3 week mark. A toner adds a natural shine to your hair and keeps it feeling softer and healthier. Even if you don’t dye your hair, toner can be a great way to get your hair in its top shape before an event.