These Drinks Will Help You Sleep at Night

If you have trouble falling asleep at night or you want to improve your sleep quality, there are a few easy tricks you can try. These pre-bedtime drinks will help you solve your sleeping problems, plus they’re pretty tasty, so make sure you try them.

Chamomile Tea

Drinking a warm cup of tea before going to bed is always a great idea, but there’s something truly relaxing about chamomile tea. Chamomile is great for promoting rest, it helps reduce anxiety and will definitely make you sleepy.

Tart Cherry Juice

Tart cherries are a great source of melatonin, a hormone that regulates our body’s rhythm and tells our brain when it’s time to sleep. That’s why tart cherry juice or smoothie will help you if you have trouble falling asleep.

Moon Milk

You can easily prepare a cup of moon milk by adding herbal ingredients like turmeric, Indian ginseng, almonds or nutmeg to your regular milk. It is said that this tasty drink promotes sleepiness and relaxation, which is exactly what you need before bed.