The Key to Minimalist Living

Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash

Over the past few years with the rise of Marie Kondo’s Minimalism principles of keeping things only if they bring you joy, minimalist living has taken off. But, the principle isn’t new, it actually has its roots in Buddhism and it’s all about living with less and appreciating what you have more. If you’re looking to create a minimalist home here are some tips to get you started.

Focus on One Room at a Time

Instead of trying to declutter your whole house in one go, focus on one room at a time. Start with the easiest room first and then move on to the more challenging rooms.

Start With the Visible First

After you’ve chosen the room to focus on, start with the visible areas first like the shelves, things on the floor, and furniture, before moving onto the hidden areas like your drawers, closets, and cabinets.

Keep Only the Essentials

Only hold onto the items that have meaning to you and that are essential. If you can’t decide whether to keep or toss an item, ask yourself if you need it and if you use it.

Tidy Up

Once you’ve decluttered your space, make it a habit of keeping it clean and tidying up. You may need to reorganize daily, weekly, or seasonally.

Don’t Buy More

It’s difficult not to buy things when you’re constantly being bombarded by advertisements, so if it’s hard for you to resists, unsubscribe to emails and newsletters. Only buy what makes you happy and what you need.