Winter may be the perfect time to rock neutral colors and earthy tones, but if you’re already bored of them, even though it’s not even December, here are some of the best ways to wear brights.
Colors are a great way to send the world a message you want. When times are difficult like this year was, wearing brights can help you feel better and help everyone around you feel a bit of hope. The good news is that you probably already have amazing colorful pieces in your closet, so it’s just a matter of combining them in new ways.
If you’re not sure where to start, consider introducing one bright color into an otherwise neutral outfit. A bright coat or a bag can change your whole look and it’s easy to combine them with many different looks. A colorful dress is an effortless way to look amazing in brights because it doesn’t require any real work—it’s an outfit by itself. For professional occasions, you can choose a bright suit and rock a monochromatic look that will tell everyone you’re elegant, brave, and fashionable. Scroll down to see more ideas about how to wear bright colors this winter.